Precious Miniature Book. Single tome with 624 pages. Thick 1'1 cm. Home page, Legal page, German - Spanish Dictionary with 12,000 words, announcing other dictionaries available in 5 pages. Exemplary with full text. Bound, stitched. Soft paper - cloth covers, discolored and deteriorated by their edges. Title in black on the back. Title in black on front cover. Cortes painted red. Printed guards. Black monochrome print with good printing. Very fine bible paper of good quality. The booklet has fatigue binding, and a bit forced due to its use. Deterioration with some scratches, slight folds and folds. Some dirt. Publisher: Schmidt Günther Leipzig. Printer: Buchdruckerei Carl Koppe. Leipzig. Germany.
Because the differences in tonalities between photos and reality are inevitable, it must be borne in mind that the color tones of the photos are not exactly the same as the tones of the actual colors. It presents the own attrition of its time, as well as some stains. It has small damages. The data provided here are unconfirmed personal opinions.
1373 - Miniature book . German - Spanish. Deutsch - Spani...