Beautiful Crucifix with golden Christ and cross of black wood, with bone. The crucifix has a beautiful bill very integrated in the style of the eighteenth century, although this style persisted until the beginning of the nineteenth century. The Christ is very elaborate, probably handmade and, therefore, possibly a unique piece. It has taken great care of its position and its proportions, with a result and overall appearance very harmonious. The Christ is of golden bronze, probably mercury, that is kept in perfect condition. It is of half body, because the rear part is not hollow. The cross is made of black stained wood, with bone trim. It is kept in perfect condition. The top top is perforated to be hung. On the upper label, INRI is engraved on a gilded brass plate, initials of 'Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum', meaning 'Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews'. At the foot of Christ there is a lower image, engraved on a plate of golden brass, which represents death, by means of a skull and crossbones. This crucifix is ??quite delicate, and too large, so that it was destined to be hung from the waist of the religious. In the photographs, one can appreciate the cleaning that has been applied, observing the differences of tones in each one of them. In its cleaning, the nails of the Christ have been renewed to be very deteriorated, by some of brass steel. This type of crucifixes were made with a certain abundance, although it is rare to find it having been used very good materials, having an elaborate execution and being kept in perfect conditions, characteristics that correspond to the present Crucifix. Exceptional as a collector's item.
Because the differences in tonalities between photos and reality are inevitable, it must be borne in mind that the color tones of the photos are not exactly the same as the tones of the actual colors. It presents the own attrition of its time, as well as some stains. It has small damages. The data provided here are unconfirmed personal opinions.
1572 - Crucifix golden christ and wooden cross. Bone. S.X...