Nice Book - Encyclopedia 'Science and the Arts' within reach of children. By A.R. López. Practical lessons. Instructional and entertaining readings of useful knowledge. Work profusely illustrated by Mota, Montagud, Cuevas and others. Publishing house. Encyclopedia of Schools. Don Ramón de la Cruz, 18. Madrid. 444 pages. Engravings inserted in the text. Hard top with cloth back. Colorless. Printed magazine, cover, cover and legal page, chapters, index and other encyclopedias. Exemplary with full text.
Because differences in tonalities between photos and reality are inevitable, it must be kept in mind that the color tones of the photos are not exactly the same as the tones of the actual colors. The book presents the own attrition of its time, as well as some stains. It has small damages. The data provided here are unconfirmed personal opinions.
1478 - Book - Encyclopedia Sciences and the Arts within reach of children.