- Conquests of Civilisation by D. Joaquín Bohigas de Argullol. Minerva Library.
- The book contains small engravings. Most of them are inserted in the text, at the beginning and end of each chapter. Some are full-page.
- We have not located it in the Spanish National Library.
Parts of the Contents:
- Single volume. Spanish copy, with the complete text.
- White flyleaf. Title page. Title page. Legal page. Contents. White cover.
Book Description:
- Good execution sewn binding, with guillotined cuts, from the Second Half of the 19th Century.
- Text in single-colour black printing, very good ink, well centred and with good margins.
- Book printed on medium paper of very good quality.
- Hard covers of blue editorial paper.
Conservation and Damage:
- General Condition: Good.
- Sewn binding in good condition.
- Cuts guillotined, with some soiling, and with minimal rubbing.
- Both the lower and upper corners are torn, although this does not affect the text.
- The book has not suffered external aggressions such as attacks by insects, rodents, etc.
- The book shows wear typical of it’s age.
- Both the Measurements, as well as the Weight, are approximate.
- The tones of the colours in the photos are not exactly the same as the tones of the real colours.
- The Book for sale is the one that corresponds to the photos. The description is not a detailed exposition of the book.
- The data provided here are personal opinions not contrasted.