Beautiful Photographic Portfolio of Spain. From the publisher A. Martin. Barcelona. J. Roca Gra. Barcelona. A. Aguilo It is a collection of 4 volumes of photographs and maps of all the Spanish provinces, divided into different volumes.
This volume focuses on Ávila, Burgos, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Logroño, Madrid, Palencia, Santander, Segovia, Soria, Toledo and Valladolid.
Binding in embossed editorial fabric, modernist style, in maroon color. It contains color maps of each province, along with an information brochure about the province, and a list of the towns and cities of each municipality. Next, several original photographs of the time are added.
Binding is fatigued. His back is partially detached. The first pages are loose, and some of the pages inside are also loose. Your state is regular.
Because the differences in tonalities between photos and reality are inevitable, keep in mind that the color tones of the photos are not exactly the same as the tones of the actual colors. The book presents the wear and tear of his time, as well as some stains. It has small flaws. The information provided here are personal opinions not contrasted. SHIPMENTS ARE MADE ON MONDAY.
1772 - Photographic Portfolio Book of Spain. New Castile and Old Castile